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About bankz87

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  1. hey guys im new to this ish I have just started using client and seems like aim bot isn't working correctly and only thing I have heard is don't click the head box because it shoots over the head instead of at head level where it should....so my question is what all boxes should I select to drop enemies fast as possible? and any other things that anyone has discovered that helps would be greatly appreciated...thanks
  2. awesome tnank u! also I cant remer exactly how to insert can u possibly gimme a crash course? lol its been a min
  3. ok well I redownloaded client and now it asks me for user name and password is it same as user and password for this site??? its telling me wrong password or username and its been so long I cant rem how I used to do it lol
  4. how tf can they comp u ? lol how is that possible? they gon give me extra cheat time or sum? tf?? alsoim asking BEFORE I BUY THIS SHIT AGAIN...BOUGHT THEM FIRST TIME GOT BANNED THEN THINKIN BOUT BUYING THEM AGAIN CAUSE OF SOOOOOO MAN HACKERS IN EFT ITS NOT PLAYABLE ANYMORE THEN IT SAYS DOWN?> EXPLAIN
  5. when I click cheat status for eft it says DISABLED AND YET....still lets me continue to purchase subscription???? so what yall just gon let me spend 20 for nothing????
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