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About AyyLmaoM8

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  1. You get overwatched because people reported you and then people that partipate in the overwatch reviewed them and deemed you to be guilty. Playing on anything that isnt very legit config is pretty obv to most outside viewers and people who literally watch hackers all the time. Its especially noticeable if you use silent aim because your bullets will hit literally before your cross hair will move. Even if you are versing other hackers that one match wouldn't be the one that got you banned it could have been a match you played months ago that you had your config turned up just a tiny bit. best tip: turn off esp, turn off any silent aim, turn your fov down to literally like .2's or .3s thats the best way to not get overwatched, I would recommend using a radar that way you know the general direction of the enemies but not the exact spots makes it less likely for you to do sketchy things
  2. Im fairly excited since recoil scripts got banned on everything other than logic mice which really killed the game for me because I hate getting lasered by aks when I just want to have fun on battlefield servers, also didnt know they work on rs6 pretty interesting
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