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Big Mike

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Posts posted by Big Mike

  1. 13 hours ago, Faceless said:

    Do you remember NoClip? Good old times:

    I don't think I ever got a chance to use noclip. If it was in the cheat when I had it I must have skipped over it, but I think it's more likely that it had to be removed before I became a customer here. Looks like a ton of fun though!

  2. From my experience all you need to do is wait until the downtime is over and make a support ticket explaining your situation. The support team here is unlike any other, and you should certainly take advantage of that! 


    Here's to hoping the downtime ends soon!

  3. Who else remembers when Tarkov Cheats were this cheap? I wish I could go back in time. Cheating in this game was some of the most fun I've ever had in video games. Unfortunately they added BE and I haven't been able to cheat in tarkov since then. Maybe if I wasn't so lazy I could get off my ass and learn to bypass BE but lets be real, that isn't gonna happen any time soon. Until then though I'll be dreaming of the day I can cheat in EFT again.



    • Like 1
  4. Hello everyone! While I've been a member here for a pretty damn long time, I've never actually engaged in the community until now. I've been cheating in video games forever, and I like to surround myself with likeminded individuals. I'm hoping to make some friends while I'm here!

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  5. I haven't had a cheat subscription from Chod's in a very long time, but in the past the one thing that has stood out the most is the customer service here. My experience with cheat providers suggests that all of them are incredibly inpatient and full of malice. Chod's cheats certainly subverts my expectations. Out of all of the cheat providers I've dealt with, this is one of the very few that won't ban you on the spot.


    I bought a valorant cheat from a no name provider when the game was in beta and it was barely functional. When I brought that up to the admins they called me a retard, a couple racial slurs, banned me from their discord, and sold my information to scam rings. All that after I spent $100 on an invite and $75 on a month long subscription for their cheat.


    My experiences with the support team here at Chod's Cheats have been drastically different from that.


    I have 9 different support tickets in the past, and every single one of them was a positive interaction. At one point in time before Escape From Tarkov had Battleye, I got an account banned and still had time left in my subscription. I went to support and asked them to pause my subscription, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that they did. I genuinely don't know another provider that would do something like this. Also, when the cheat was still available there was a point in time where the devs were battling with some issues in the cheat. Throughout that time I had my subscription extended tons of times to compensate for the downtime. All of the staff members seem genuinely professional too.


    I completely agree with you. Chod's Cheats has way better customer service than Amazon. 

  6. After reading the news post my interest in this site as a provider has definitely been piqued. A certain provider known for its invite-only system and various undetected cheats for games like Rust, Tarkov, etc, has left me waiting for an invite for years. Recently I've even applied at a provider which sells similar cheats, although they invite their members using an application system. If you couldn't tell, I'm very interested in truly private cheats.


    Obviously I'm not the most active member here, but I think I've made the decision to change that. First of all... I regret some of my interactions on this site from the past, and I'd like to formally apologize for how I acted in my EFT review. When I read this post I cringed. I'm so glad I don't act like this anymore. That being said I think we can all agree that the passage of time changes us. In the next few months, I'd like to prove that to you guys.


    I'm looking forward to making myself a part of this community.

  7. As I was expecting, the second I give my honest opinion and criticize anything on here...

    2 hours ago, DudeGuy123 said:

    it's typically a horde of people crying about me making a complaint towards Chod. I understand his situation, chill.


    1 hour ago, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

    Why do you buy it if you do cheats by yourself

    1 hour ago, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

    Also Chod has not much time at the moment and that's totally fine because everyone has a private life.
    And if you think 17GBP is too much then again, why did you buy it?

    I bought it because I wanted to compare it to my own, and because I earn more than enough money to afford this. 17 GBP is couch change. I've enjoyed using it when I'm actually able to. 


    2 hours ago, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

    i don't understand your problem with the ESP to be honest.

    It's a matter of taste. Do you understand why people are into certain body types that you arent? I personally don't understand how people can be into girls that are super fuckin skinny.


    2 hours ago, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

    The cheat goes down to keep your account safe. It's a joke that you complain about the cheat being down too often if Chod does that to keep everyone safe.

    I can keep my account safe on my own. I understand he does that to keep everyone safe. I never said he doesn't. I'm just saying it's disappointing that it takes him as long as it does to fix simple security issues.



    Hopefully that clears up some of the misconceptions you had about my criticism.

    • Thanks 1
  8. The cheat definitely makes the game easier, but there is so much wrong with it that it hardly should pass for $20 product. Given the quality of the cheat, $20 is way too much.


    I bought my 30 day subscription in April this year. It's not supposed to expire for another week. Because of all of the downtime that the cheat has, my 30 day subscription isn't going away until 5 months later. With that being said, more than half of the guns don't work with the aimbot and make you flick towards the sky. The ESP is unappealing to look at. Your friend settings don't save in the aimbot. Until recently, many items in the loot section didn't display. You can only scan for items that have already spawned on the map. The name of some items are long and it seems like hardly any effort was put into changing the names.


    I understand that there's only one developer working on this cheat, but it seems like the effort he puts towards it is incredibly minimal. I develop cheats too, and it's never taken me longer than an hour of work to fix issues in my EFT cheat, and I'm not even earning money off of it. I know that Chod needs to maintain other cheats too, but if EFT is popular enough to almost constantly be at the top of the shout box, I think that more effort towards the cheat is due.


    Here's my ratings


    Aimbot - 6/10 When it works, it's incredibly efficient and typically doesn't have any issues.


    ESP - 5/10 Maybe I'm just anal about this kind of thing and prefer it to be my way, but I find it so hard to look at any of the visuals in this cheat.


    Misc. - 9/10 I really like the door unlocker and the fast sprint features. The only reason why it's only 9/10 is because once again, I prefer to have things my way.


    Uptime - 0/10 It's a joke how often and how long this cheat goes down.


    Support - 2/10 I haven't really needed much support in using this cheat, but whenever I do it's typically a horde of people crying about me making a complaint towards Chod. I understand his situation, chill.


    One of the biggest upsides is that fact that this is a cheat with quite a decent number of users that has remained undetected for a pretty decent amount of time. I'm not sure if the ban wave earlier this year hit everyone but I avoided it. Possibly thanks to my own methods, possibly thanks to the cheat's security.

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