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Everything posted by Willbo65

  1. ah, did not know. Thanks you very much.
  2. So I was wondering how to get certain titles. I donated to Chod's Cheats, but I never got the title that shows up under your name like SUPPORTER. How does one get those going?
  3. I meant before I got the cheat. I logged in one day and everything was just killing me from bushes and stuff so I got the cheat to counter that.
  4. Also did you notice about a week ago, the game suddenly seemed to get much harder? I was doing okay even without cheating then it was like a switch flipped and I couldn't do anything. My survival per match was down to 2-3 minutes every time. Any ideas?
  5. Oh I think I will. I'm having fun with EFT. I used to rage pretty good when I would start dying for 4-5 matches in a row. The cheats made it fun again. I mostly just use the ESP and no aimbot. I never liked aim botters and I hold myself to that same regard. I'm not condemning others on here that do, I just think it makes the game too easy for me.
  6. So I bought Chod's for EFT and am loving it. After getting my preferences for text color and cheat settings, my games have been smooth and I die instantly at the start of a game a lot less. I was so tired of being insta killed from inside bushes and through walls, but now I at least know where they are coming from. I've even spotted some flying players with the ESP lol. Keep up the good work Chod's and hello to the community.
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