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Everything posted by Caspercasper

  1. Hello! I've been lurking for 4 years, and tried different cheats and seeing different layouts of website and cheats. But never really been into the community, but now I will try being active on the forum! So see you around
  2. Do any of you know, if they are ip-tracking, hwid tracking or any kind? So if i make a new, i wont get insta-banned
  3. Hmm weird, i have been banned for cheating, without actually injecting it. And its not because i came here for lying, i was just wondering... Becuase i read that it wasnt safe to use cheats on the client, so I didn't. But however i got banned lol. Weird..
  4. Can you get banned from faceit, without injecting the cheats? - Like can I get banned without using the cheats, even you have it on the pc? Or can the faceit client not detect it?
  5. Normally i just lose the rank and then when I win a game I get my boosted rank \o/
  6. Got no account for cheating, want to get my main account up
  7. Want to get boosted from LEM to GE, rageboost or legit doesnt matter
  8. Yeah im interested in an account: -...- Not used cheat No vac ban No overwatch ban Atleast Eagle rank. I pay: Moneys or 9 years old steam account with 17+ games. We can use middleman if required.
  9. Ayo' i got the perfect account for you. It is dmg, with 300 hours, 145 wins, no ban . But not 5 year coin though..
  10. I got an old 9 years account. It got no cs:go on, but got some games. It's vac banned in cs:s. 1322 Days ago it got vac banned so. Doesnt really matter. The account have 17 games with CoD and so on.. cs 16 and every Half life games. Want maybe a cs:go account with a pretty good rank atleast eagle master. Pm me or post here if interested.
  11. Hello guys! I'm selling my old account that im not using anymore, it have over 300 hours and the rank is DMG. 1 win away from eagle. I haven't cheated on it, so the vac is in good standing. I am selling it for skins or money. Send me a pm if u want or post here if u interested. <- just click on photo to make bigger. <- just click on photo to make bigger. <- just click on photo to make bigger.
  12. But how often is the "clients" getting detected, like chods? Can't see the fun, if i buy it and only play 1 game and then get banned. I would play very "legit" and get so many games i could.. but how often do ppl get vac? and how often is the vacban wave hitting "our" cheat..
  13. Can anyone tell me why the cheat is disabled and however it works with the VAC? How does the vacbane wave works and so on
  14. It's made in Sony Vegas, Cinema4D and some adobe, there is no program for it, work, work and work
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