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Everything posted by Thorsten_Gers

  1. How can they be allowed to that? Can they IP ban or how does that work? How do they KNOW, which account are my main account and so on?
  2. That's the answer i was looking for. ATM i have the cheat on a usb driver so i dont inject it in my computer, but i do restart. Just because i have items worth over 2000 Dollars - i gotta be sure Thanks for the answer buddy.
  3. recurring? I dont really understand that word - sorry for that. Can you say, if the payment continue by it self or not?
  4. After looking through the forums, i see people say they got vac banned on their main account, eventho they only cheated on a second account? How can that happen? I would like to hear more about that, since i have a main account with too many items and hours to be banned
  5. ive paid for 1 month for 2 days ago. Does it cancel automaticly or do it continue by it self month by month? If i wanna cancel it, how can i do that then?
  6. Hello After the new update, i can't use it. In member panel it say's im subscribed until the 23th october, but when i try to login to the client it says: You are not currently subscribed to any cheats. Please visit "homepage" to become a VIP Why is this happening?
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