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Everything posted by OrXiuS

  1. never post again in my topic... "....i am not interested in skins/games/digits....." i dont need UNTRUSTED or OVERWATCHED accounts! UPDATED first post
  2. Hey guys ! at the moment i search VAC banned accounts i dont need untrusted accounts or overwatched accounts need accounts with this picture ingame of CS GO: i am not interested in skins/games/digits i´ll take it for free or if you have a bulk of accounts i will give you a clean 7digit if you have more then 5 accounts we can talk about money
  3. he maybe more trustable then other sellers here ! i vouch for him , bought a couple of accounts, never had problems !
  4. try to scam @high-minded.us -> https://high-minded.net/threads/global-elite-acc-703-wins-5000-h.33009/ vote 4 ban
  5. http://www.sythe.org/steam-sales/1771085-idle-king-5-6-7-digits-1000-hours-cs-css-csgo-tf2.html why you get banned ?
  6. please add some pics Operation coins? or pm me with steamprofil link , regards
  7. Normally if you buy an account from 2003 (unused/unverified) - you should be safe. m
  8. simple answer: restart you system if you switch accounts i get banned on 6 smurf accounts , but my 5digit/500$ main account is still fine ! important is that you restart , if you switch account
  9. Hi guys , i sell my - ★ Karambit | Stained (Minimal Wear) I want 150€ Paypal only , i dont accept Paysafecard/Webmoney/Skrill if you interested you can pm me. I will never go first! regards
  10. please add follow things: VAC status Picture to proof digit game hours steamlevel Operation coins
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