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Everything posted by Cubie3737

  1. Cubie3737

    I am?

    Hello! I want to introduce myself to this beautiful amazing community. I have never seen so good community with great cheats that is cheap and good, I have been looking for H1Z1 cheats for a long time and right now I think I am in right place for the cheapest, greatest & enjoyable hack. My goal on this amazing forum is that I want to everyone know me & trust me as well. So who am I really? I am a boy who is 15 years old with a ugly squeaky voice and I am called Cubie. I really enjoy H1Z1 and its so satisfying to get kills and wins! Wonder how it would be with cheats? After watching a video about Chod's cheats I just got so horny into the cheats. I decided to watch po**hub instead because my balls got too hard... Anyways where were we? Oh yeah, so basically I already really like the community when I only spent 5 days being active on the forum & discord. I just wanna say great work to everyone that have been working on this site and of course the coder who have coded the good cheats. I also have a little cute dog named Flash, trust me I named him Flash because he actually is pretty fast. I like this ---> ( . )( . ) Thank you for reading my heartwarming story and enjoying it! I am really happy to be a part of the community Regards, Cubie.
  2. Cubie3737

    I am?

    Hello! I want to introduce myself to this beautiful amazing community. I have never seen so good community with great cheats that is cheap and good, I have been looking for H1Z1 cheats for a long time and right now I think I am in right place for the cheapest, greatest & enjoyable hack. What I have seen is that you need to be invited and my goal is of course to get invited, I want everyone to know me and as well trust me. So who am I really? I am a boy who is 15 years old with a ugly squeaky voice and I am called Cubie. I really enjoy H1Z1 and its so satisfying to get kills and wins! Wonder how it would be with cheats? After watching a video about Chod's cheats I just got so horny into the cheats. I decided to watch po**hub instead because my balls got too hard... Anyways where were we? Oh yeah, so basically as I said in the beginning of this text is that my goal is to recieve a beautiful golden invite by an admin. If so then I wouldn't sit all day and get my balls hard so they almost broke because of watching the video of Chod's cheats on H1Z1.. (I get all the girls in school btw) Thank you for reading my heartwarming story and enjoying it! You just spent 5 minutes from your life on an idiot who tries to get invited for cool hacks Regards, Cubie.
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