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About hamster92

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  1. My sub ran out during down time! (posted it in here because i saw the old thread being closed) http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?2541-OFFICIAL-Subscription-extensions
  2. Okey, thanks you! but just a quick question, that was for the 32bit if i get it right? Is there then a 64bit version of the cheat that works on 8/8.1 perhaps? (dont know if thats possible at the same time)
  3. Im only asking if the cheat works in 8.1 or not, Or if you will post a thread when it does.
  4. Hey is there any Thread there it will say when the csgo-cheat works with 8.1 again? Because i would like my account to be extended again but not if the cheat dont work on my windows version, so it would be nice if there is any way to know when it does
  5. how do i delete this post. cant find. /facepalm
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