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About MetalSkater92

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  1. I proudly support Chods, but my subscription is running out so I can't use it, gained an extra month from Emiiru when Chods was experiencing technical difficulties, but haven't been able to enjoy that month, so I wonder what Chod is up to, to secure us from VAC. Edit: When I said Aimware wasn;t affected was because I noticed a post that said: "AIMWARE is proud to announce that in the recent banwave which affected many other major cheat providers, we were unharmed. " however after closer examination that post was 3 months old, so I withdraw that previous statement, although they have some pretty sweet features Chods doesn't have like force the bullet trajectory to hit a target/hitbox without even really aiming at it so you can spray what you want and still get them, could be sweet to implement as you can pretend a spray and get a lucky headshot or make it hit the chest but still get the kill.
  2. I only have the CSGO so it's not very useful for me at this point, curious to when it's usable again though.
  3. Well I can still download the client, but I'm not using it though.
  4. After the recent CS:GO ban wave I haven't been able to enjoy Chod's, 17 days to be precise, smurf was banned, couldn't get another account, so before I get a new one, is Chod up and running again? I noticed that Aimware hasn't been affected by the VAC banwave but Chods was.
  5. Does anyone have a good script for the aimbot in competative so you don't look so damn obvious?
  6. You have the hack so you can do the same?
  7. Honestly I should donate, cause I make new steam accounts hack my way to Global Elite and since it's undetected I can sell the account without to worry they get banned anytime soon if they play fair from that point, and it gives me plenty of money.
  8. I noticed on my subscription I suddenly had an extention cause I got cooldowned 4 times in a row after 3 games due to an error, I don't know if this is already fixed but I wanna thank the staff for making this up to me, I think I'll enjoy myself here for a long way to come!
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