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Everything posted by clavius

  1. i got boosted by the perfect aim user after, i remember myteez saying i could get 3 wins from the $8 since i asked. He blocked me after getting banned.
  2. They get banned i dont so thats there fault
  3. @justskills1 it was a perfect aim user, he just tped the game.
  4. @zenaku71 I got 2 30k games for $2
  5. i wonder if his scamming here too
  6. @zenaku71 I payed $8 for 3 wins, he gave me 1 and blocked me.
  7. @Straya323 Only cuz I didn't get what I payed for
  8. @justskills1 ive looked i cant seem to see any rip
  9. @justskills1 guess so is there anyway i can find the message history?
  10. @justskills1 I could of but he blocked me, all the messages went.
  11. Thank you @justskills1 he has blocked me again when I said I'm not letting him get away with this.
  12. @Myteez whnat do u mean?
  13. @Myteez Giving in because u cant prove that i payed for "Just 1 win" ?
  14. i dont understand why you done this lmao some lowlife kid
  15. @Myteez Ask yourself why you would scam me.
  16. @Myteez Show us valid proof of this then.
  17. @Myteez Stop lying, you promised me 3x 30 wins and still havent got that.
  18. so myteez are u giving me my 2 wins or anre u giving my skin back
  19. @dexter no as when he blocked me the steam messages dissapear
  20. https://gyazo.com/1a0522be54a4247bcd8a9b3a96aed065
  21. https://gyazo.com/28254c9f47fa0a5c586c4cffb01288d6
  22. https://gyazo.com/318e4d2ef7173076cecd89cfc7cd2eec
  23. https://gyazo.com/387a2f8e3e6c64190dff6731d48273b6
  24. https://gyazo.com/e1ea4c3094cf2918ce5387446baba80c Saying he cant handle it
  25. Proof that after he got banned, he still wanted me to contact him but he says he blocked me after the first win, I payed for 3x 30k wins https://gyazo.com/793d042d5d9922584cbc920a2b332581
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