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About Alphasz

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  1. I start, - I5 4460 - Msi 970gtx 3.5gb - 24gb ram - 1to - Corsair Watercooling Little TIP : For the potatoes PC, put the "SHADER LEVEL" to 110-200 to have incredibly best FPS. I had 35-45 fps and some drops to 20 when i had all full, now i'm 55-70. I wish it will help you ^^ REGARDS.
  2. Hi, how old are you ? And where do you come ? :) J'abhore le racisme. Je déteste la xénophobie. Je crois dans la force et la richesse de la diversité. Regards
  3. Tomato Mozza Mushrooms Peppers mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. Or maybe you're not friend with other private cheats.
  5. Why report him? imagine it's a friend community like PA or Ennui, it's not nice for them. I think.
  6. I don't think rage hacking is a nice idea, it make the cheat weak. Anyway, i won't rage hacking at all it's dumb.
  7. Yes you are great, that would be amazing !
  8. I don't think that, asking it is a good solution to get in.
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