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  1. What you just said still doesn't answer my question, if the devs do want to to move on to other games, then why is the cheat being advertised "For Legit and HvH", if it's main focus is "legit cheating" and rage isn't updated, then the cheat is false advertised which is illegal...
  2. Do you think there is nothing wrong with the cheat if every time you go on a HvH server, people lough at you and call you out? If you think there is nothing wrong with it, then why did Jutes leave and go to skeet?
  3. The problem is you pay a premium price for something that isn't worth it, i'm sorry but as far as if i'm paying for something then i want stuff back, I get no refund policy and so on. But don't you think £59.99 per year is a lot for something that doesn't even get new features? Since I am here from July no feature has been added, nothing has been changed (except fixes) people have requested stuff but nothing has been done about it. For a similar price you can get something much better (I am not advertising anything just proving a point.) And I am not getting this info from nowhere, I know people who left chods, just because it was so outdated with HvH features, and it doesn't keep up with the other p2cs available. I also guarantee you that if you were to do a survey, 65-80% of people with active CSGO subscriptions use it for HvH, and MM Rage.
  4. Then why is it advertised as: #1 for legit and "HVH"? Because that is the only reason I got the cheat: for rage and HvH.
  5. I am not saying it's not up to my expectations, however quite a few users have pointed the Anti aim lacking features, and being to easy to resolve :/
  6. Anti-LBY is an LBY breaker, lol. It's not that good then :D
  7. Hello, quick request from me if possible? Would it be possible for chod's cheats developers to work on anti aim? I know I am requesting a lot, but most of current private/ p2c cheats have some kind of AA which is unresolvable for others, or it is really hard to resolve it. But the current most effective AA for chods (Emotion, Emillion) gets pretty much tapped everytime by cheats on a similar level. It is a really good cheat I am not saying it isn't but, I would just like to ask if possible for an Anti Aim which would give others hard time to resolve.
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