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About Hovak10

Hovak10's Achievements

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  1. As my title states, im looking for one of those ranks. Ill only go first if your a trusted / Vip member cause of previous scam attempts. Thomas.petterson9 is my skype if you got something
  2. bumperino still 10$ . Master guardian elite 32 wins never cheated on
  3. Look at the picture, you think i would sell it for 10 bucks if it had expensive skins . The price is low as it is.
  4. Hey Selling my 6 year old steam account with cs:go on it. 100 hours Master Guardian Elite rank and never cheated on so its clean. 10$. Pm me
  5. Well, im the original owner from that account. And i havent been playing that game for a long time and got no plans of doign it in the future. When i sell it it means i sell it for life. And i was a vip member here for a long time and planning on repurchasing my vip again next week.
  6. Hey, i want to trade my World of Warcraft account with all the expansions on it including the latest MoP for one or few good Cs:go skins or an decent ranked account. The acc got 2 lvl 85 chars. And one lvl 90 horde warrior with full grevious pvp gear. Pm me with offers. Cheers.
  7. Hey guys! Happy that CC is back in business and as my title says im looking for some fellow VIP´s to use CC with . PM me with your steam info and ill add you ! Cheers!
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