a. If you bought a year worth's first rather than trying out a month first, that's dumb.
b. Developers are tired and done with peoples shit like what clearly you're doing, requesting, requesting.. and let me say it again, requesting. People will just want more no matter how much you give, I can easily say this as I've been the Chods community for longer then most, ask Emiiru about this.
c. Not to mention exactly almost everyone say's that HvH is play style, uff yah. As I raped with Chods even at it's current state.
d. Developers want to move on to different games, I don't deny maybe they won't add more stuff.. but yet there's not much you can do, and I've already been where you were at.
e. Move on to a different provider, (duh) yet if you bought a year with no relocation of even trying it first, well that's your fault.
f. I can continue and provide more evidence but complaining continuously really won't do much, make a support ticket to bring up your problems for this obviously, wait, and see what happens.
g. No one should care if you're the best at HvH as it's a game made for entertainment rather for being the champion, with the ego's in HvH it's pretty sad to say your life is shit if someone could have a ego the size of the planet. (Just in general since most people in HvH do have this ego, and you shouldn't care if people made or will make 'fun' of you, nor do you need respect.. it's a fucking game.)