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Everything posted by DeSibyl

  1. Works everywhere, No Prime unless stated otherwise.
  2. Current Stock: 1 MG1 Account, 10 MM Wins, 18 Hours. 1 LEM Account, 10 MM Wins, 13 hours. 1 SMFC Account, 22 MM Wins, 14 Hours. 1 LEM Account, 11 MM Wins, 14 Hours. 1 Unranked, Rank 8 (almost 9), 30 Hours. PM me for details, links, pics, price. *** I will keep this Comment updated with current Stock, what you see here is what I have currently.
  3. Thats fine. I run the game at like 400 fps in 4k so i should be good ^_^
  4. Is that the wire frame models for guns or players (chams).. if so I dont use Wireframe or chams all that much. Do the other versions of the chams work?
  5. Thanks! I'll prob buy it when I get home from work then So the visual safe version, EVERYTHING wont show on stream right? ( i know to use OBS and attach to game not window or screen)... But will the Menu show?
  6. Ah. Didnt realize that it was a Stripe thing, thought it was just sending you my card info and shit lol. and how long does it take to get VIP after payment?
  7. So. WTF is stripe, and its not even an option to pay anymore..... I cant do Bitcoin, and I dont want to hook my Credit card up directly (me being paranoid about someone stealing my card number and such.)
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