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Everything posted by flight

  1. mine did on the day we got detected so rip to acc but i still think chods is the best ptc
  2. So i trade 2 Lem accs with 350 Hours in cs go (one got 12 Years badge) +one unranked acc(lvl 3-4) Cheats:I only used Firefly from chods Oe; All accounts with oe What i want; Csgo Private lvl : 21+ Never conected prime Some hours
  3. He is a very good jokeking ;)
  4. Hello, So i dont know how to start but first of all i want to say sry for my english... so the thread starts after this. Stats of mine; Name Niklas Cheats i use/used; ****, ******, ****, ********, *****************,* Why you want me/i want to be a part of you: in this forum ; Iam Niklas iam german and i live near Cologne iam cheating since 2013 and i love Cs;go. After i saw youre ingame Hud i was just flashed and i just wanted to get this cheat.. every time my subs runed out i was looking for chods but ive never found smth for me but now all is perfectly for me.Iam not just a cheat user iam more than that iam a "+" for the Forum i will make free designs i will help other peoples will make my own config and i will present the config. So i will be more than 2 hours daily in the forum. At the end i want to tell you that i will make a youtube review / Promotion and many games like legit mm/rage. Mfg.Niklas aka Flight Problem: so my problem is that i need a person that could gift me a 10.00 GBP Chods Gift card i would pay the guy with overpay just pm me iam camping the forum...
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