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Everything posted by lockcole1

  1. I do not know how the Pubg Cheat work's, I do not know what tools it has, but from what I see of people who shout and do not hide, it would take a kind of CHAMS as in the csgo. I repeat, I do not know if it exists or not. It's just an idea, since I saw a person cheating and shooting back from the hill.
  2. Hi guys, i need again the discord link, thanks I quit for issue.
  3. Hi guys, how can i get into the chod's discord? thanks!!
  4. emiiru pls can you reply my PM? thanks for all :)

  5. You are only allowed to purchase one of this product, and you have already done so.
  6. Thanks for the quickly support :)
  7. Same problem here, i do a thread btw. Please help me.
  8. I was already enrolled the page, using the cheat without any problems. Today I wanted to come and tell me I had to pay again. I suspect my month is over. Then I wanted to use the option to enroll again in the cheat of csgo. When I want to add to the car I get the following sign: " You are only allowed to purchase one of this product, and you have already done so". I dont know whats the problem, please give me a solution Thanks!
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