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Everything posted by shooter1004

  1. So i have lately wanted to buy a cheat, but have seen Chod's post with the following, saying: As a good will gesture we will be having special one-day sale where all cheats will be free. The date of this sale will be announced closer to the time, but stay active to make sure you don't miss out. Now my question is when will this happen, its about 1 month old now, and im super hyped for it. If anyone knows feel free to reply!
  2. Hey everyone ! My name is "shooter" some would propably know me, from the old site. I did alot of themes for the client and, will still do it again! I just need a subscription. And then im gonna get started.. so stay tuned! ^^ If anyone got any ideas for a themes, please leave them in the comments ! -Shooter
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