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  1. Big thanks for getting my VIP back up!! Is everything good and in order?
  2. Hey can anyone update me on whats going on? Since the last ban wave? Im lost ! (CS:GO)
  3. My VIP is gone i thought it would still be up after what happened with the ban wave.. but i guess we didnt get another month? I cant repurchase either it redirects me to BF subscription (CS:GO Sub)
  4. I am vip now :cool: but i have no idea where to go now ? lol
  5. Well put thank you, once i purchase and become VIP will there be a guide with the download? and when you mean it supports MM but not leagues, do you mean it supports match making competitive within CS:GO just not leagues like ESEA?
  6. Cee


    http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?1259-Newbie-looking-for-some-information-(CSGO)&p=9472#post9472 opened a thread on it those are kind of things im wondering
  7. Hey im new to this website, i was wondering where i can find some information on the CSGO subscription. How the program works? How you prevent a Vac Ban? Can you use it in competitive? etc. Thanks Cee,
  8. Cee


    Hey guys new here ! am thinking about buying the subscription kinda sceptical though .
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