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Everything posted by HAPPYFEET

  1. Hello, atm CSS is up, The best thing to do is check the site before you use the client.
  2. If you buy like threw paypal VIP is instant, You can use configs from other members or you can make your own, We have a thread special for config, You login to member panel download cheat and put on USB STICK. Then steam and load the game.
  3. Dont buy i dont think the hacks support mac, Someone please clear this.
  4. Hey, I sold my scooter yesterday long story but i did, This phone just came out this year and the price tag is still $299.99 plus tax, Well boostmobile dont have 4g in my area so i wanna change to T-Mobile its GSM active with some other stuff so would it be okay if i get the starter kit from t-mobile? also july im going to get the 30mb and hopfuly i can game from it?.
  5. Future - Honest [bASS BOOST] no need for a amp only good headset.
  6. Thank You i can do it now, You can now /CLOSE
  7. Its not working for me:(
  8. Hi, i have a custom sig but it will not work for some reason, Im using IMG like it did with tha older site but it dont work anymore, I see other V.I.P members with custom sig?
  9. Welcome to C-C enjoy your stay.


    Welcome to Site.
  11. Hello, I would like too know can you verify a account from overseas using skype SMS? So like if i buy a overseas number from overseas and get SMS sub will it be okay?
  12. Welcome too Chods Cheats, What you need help with?
  13. I have a german account (1) for sale css, if anyone interested? $10.00 USD in good standing P.M for more info.
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