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Posts posted by mar1k

  1. Hi, everybody!
    Would like for all chods users to offer a good price for DBD cheat
    The price is very pleasant for everyone, activation will be provided instantly


    DBD price: 35 EUR

    What payment systems can I accept: Paypal, Cards, Skrill, Amazon, Steam wallet gift card, Any crypto, Zelle, Cashapp and more. I can accept all payments in the world!

    My contacts to buy keys at a discount:
    Discord: Mar1k#1993
    Telegram: @mar1khack ( https://tele.click/mar1khack )

    We will also provide support for launching, installing Chods software on your computer!

    • Like 1
  2. Hi, everybody!
    Would like for all chods users to offer a good price for Rust cheat
    The price is very pleasant for everyone, activation will be provided instantly


    Rust price: 28 GBP ( https://prnt.sc/2bs4QIi7rePe ) 

    What payment systems can I accept: Paypal, Cards, Skrill, Amazon, Steam wallet gift card, Any crypto, Zelle, Cashapp and more. I can accept all payments in the world!

    My contacts to buy keys at a discount:
    Discord: Mar1k#1993
    Telegram: @mar1khack ( https://tele.click/mar1khack )

    We will also provide support for launching, installing Chods software on your computer!

  3. Hi, everybody!
    Would like for all chods users to offer a good price for Apex and DBD cheats
    The price is very pleasant for everyone, activation will be provided instantly


    DBD price: 32 USD 
    Apex price: 35 USD

    What payment systems can I accept: Paypal, Cards, Skrill, Amazon, Steam wallet gift card, Any crypto, Zelle, Cashapp and more. I can accept all payments in the world!

    My contacts to buy keys at a discount:
    Telegram: @mar1khackhttps://tele.click/mar1khack )

    We will also provide support for launching, installing Chods software on your computer!

  4. 3 minutes ago, SongBird said:

    Considering just how awfully p2w the game is. Yes i would. But thats dependent on what kind of cheat it is. It has to be actually useful. I cant tell you what that would be, because i dont know whats possible in the game and what isnt. If it anything like in WoW, only bots will be possible. And those really arent the most tasteful type of cheese

    In this game it is possible to implement many interesting features:
    - Speedhack ( for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSLU2o3opgY  )
    - animation speed
    - 0 k/d on skills
    - player teleport
    - WallHack on kips and players and etc
    - autolooot

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