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About BaBe

  • Birthday February 22

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  1. <p>how many wins / hours?</p>

  2. <p>Hello, do you want a steam account with csgo and rank nova 2? i want to trade for a another account</p>

  3. <p>Why my VIP is not totality green? that happenned now</p>

  4. BaBe


    No problem.
  5. BaBe


    Because your account security is our top priority, we fully investigated your Unauthorized Account Use Claim. We've determined that the payment is not a case of unauthorized account activity, and as a result your claim has been denied. If you made this payment in error, please contact the recipient to request a refund. If you made this payment intentionally, but you never received your item or you received an item that was different from what was advertised, we may be able to investigate this payment for you and help to find a satisfactory outcome. If you want to take this option, please let us know and we can open a claim for you.
  6. BaBe


    CireG, why did you take off my VIP ? if you dont give me refund do not take off my VIP...
  7. U SHOULD not write this ...MY MONEY...i want chargeback because of this.. i read this: FACEIT UNDETECTED and i get banned...u should dont add faceit support on this cheat...is your fault, not my fault
  8. I was buying this cheat for faceit
  10. I did send you a message at this email: info@cvm-solutions.co.uk and my email is: mateiandrei10@gmail.com
  11. @Chod Respond please..talk to me
  12. Hello...im VIP at Chods-cheat...and you guys really disappointed me...because your site says is undetected on faceit and i just get banned on faceit after 3 rounds with 1 FOV..only aimbot I want a chargeback...you really disappoint me my email is: mateiandrei10@gmail.com (i just send you a message on email)
  13. Hello...im VIP at Chods-cheat...and you guys really disappointed me...because your site says is undetected on faceit and i just get banned on faceit after 3 rounds with 1 FOV..only aimbot I want a chargeback...you really disappoint me my email is: mateiandrei10@gmail.com (i just send you a message on email)
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