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Everything posted by GeenStijl

  1. I bought one account from him 2 weeks ago which went well. I wanted to buy 5 accounts this time but he gave me 3 accounts with a unappropriated usernames and i told him i would use 2 accounts which had a appropriate username and asked him if he could send back rest of the money as i only would use the 2 accounts with appropiate usernames. But after discussing he deleted me from Skype which made me open a case on Paypal. The passwords of the accounts he gave me did not get changed which can get confirmed by any mod on here as confirmation. I feel scammed right now, will bring out an update after the case got closed on Paypal.
  2. CS:GO with 5 year coin, 50-100-or more MM, with or without skins. The things written above aren't my requirements as my budget is low. Having skins is a pre. VAC & Overwatch clean. Only VIP members should PM me and no scammers please. PM me your skype.
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