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Sander Sahk

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Everything posted by Sander Sahk

  1. Does The Forum Name Change Feature Will Come back?
  2. cmd -> taskkill /F /IM AvastSvc.exe -> restart pc -> enjoy chods
  3. Avast is cancer atleast from my side it caused so much problems in the past for me. sad to hear brah, but im loyal avast user xD
  4. Yea, yeah i know i know. its not just the cheat, but after u enter internet magical world withou av, things can get messy ;D
  5. i tried to close it at task manager but it say acces denied...
  6. yeah, i disabled avast but still i got the error message.
  7. Hi guys i noticed that i cant use Chods Cheats, if i (disable) Avast internet Security, it still say the error message, avast found in youre system, the thing is i really dont want to delete avast, just do use chods, any other solution? Thanx
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