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Everything posted by Alf

  1. Alf


    me neither and well... already did some hours ago, how much longer will it take for Emiiru to give me that VIP status?
  2. Alf


    wait what? can you explain to me what i must do? (sorry i didn't check this page cause i was just waiting those 3 days)
  3. Alf


    wow 3 days... that's kind of a lot i little warning when paying would've been nice
  4. Alf


    i bought it with bitcoin and it said you know that everything went alright, that the payment was made, (and i know my money went somewhere because because all that money is out of my btc wallet). Also i received two messages thanking me for subscribing and all that. What is happening?
  5. Alf


    why do i don't have permissions to enter that link. (i did buy the subscription)
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