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Posts posted by Triforce

  1. if it didn't run you should be safe.

    Unless they had a silent java driveby or something alike, but I doubt that.

    Java driveby is patched since a time back if I remember correctly?

    Firstly any known public JDB is detected and no longer work on java except if really outdated.

    Private working ones cost a lot and still dont run on chrome.

    If your looking for a decent file host check the rat section we have numerous file hosts for these uses.

  2. Give it any possibilities to buy your CS:GO hack with an european paysafecard?

    Just got scammed from epvp while tried to buy your hack ._. .

    I am able to do it but im not going to do it 1:1 rate.

    Il prettu sure the admins allow me to buy a cheat for a other member with my paypal.

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