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Everything posted by Prsn

  1. Any Master package options? Would absolutely scoop up a year subscription with some kind of master package option
  2. Curiosity has the better of me and I question why? The player base is huge! 112k just on steam alone, which doesn't account for Gajin's own launcher, PlayStation and Xbox players!
  3. After the recent ban wave last night and today of most of the other providers, makes me wish Chod's had a WT cheat also. Just know how far and above they go with the quality of all their products and war thunder being my main game really makes me dream haha
  4. Alright, I'd like to buy one as long as it would work in the US!
  5. I'm interested in an unranked account that has a 5 year coin and some hours. What are you prices? Also I currently live in the United States, is that an issue if you activated a region lock copy of csgo on the account?
  6. Interested in buying a 5 year coin account, do any of them come with a copy of csgo already on it? (Just an unused copy) Also looking at your steam profile, all your cs complete packs are region locked, is that an issue for me, being an american?
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