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Everything posted by Roomando

  1. Hello. I'm buying a steam account that has the following specifications - Must have CS:GO - Must be over Rank 3+ (to play competitive) - Must have 5-year coin - Must not be VAC banned - Ranked/Unranked - Any Playtime/hours If you have an account that is close to these specifications but not exactly identical, feel free to contact me aswell (Skype or reply here) The price will be discussed privately.
  2. Thanks everyone for the worm welcome! I'm already loving the community!
  3. Its fine The world won't end just cause a hack stopped working for a while.
  4. HI! My name is (obviously): Roomando (but you can call me Room ) I was born on the 20th of february, and I am currently 17 Years old. My hobbies are Gaming, Programming (Web & App Development), Swimming and Gaming!(Yes, again! ) The games that I currently play are: League of Legends, CSGO, Garry's mod and lastly Rocket League! I like chatting so feel free to hit me up whenever you want, I'm mostly active on skype so that would be the recommended way to contact me (Skype: Roomando) So thats pretty much it! Thanks for reading my intro
  5. <p>I would like to have the honor to be the first to write a message... to myself <img src="https://chods-cheats.com/uploads/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="https://chods-cheats.com/uploads/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

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