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Everything posted by SamuraiGod

  1. Please add me in skype if you want to buy an account because I'am not always on this site but am always in skype! ["]http://[/url] CS:GO CHEAP ACCOUNTS [OE* and PoP* are included]: For Sale - 1. $60 LE (was supreme before but due to inactivity rank was taken away) + 2613 in csgo + 356 mm wins + leagues clean - screenshot of account and lobby https://imgur.com/tAau3hD For Sale - 2. $33 - GLOBAL ELITE - newly created account boosted to global + 50h in csgo + 33 mm wins + screenshot of account and lobby https://imgur.com/CPIJkhj FOR SALE - 3. $21 - UNRANKED 6mm wins and as soon as I win all 10 account will be LEM - newly created account boosted to global + 19h in csgo + 6 mm wins + screenshot of account and lobby https://imgur.com/7IbdcOp
  2. Please add me in skype if you want to buy an account because I'am not always on this site but am always in skype! Skype:sekzcme CS:GO EXPENSIVE ACCOUNTS [OE* and PoP* are included]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR SALE - 1. $62 - supreme + 5 digit - 30 lvl + 50 games + 2242 h played csgo + 1437 h played css + 338mm wins + screenshot of account and lobby https://i.imgur.com/7L22W9z.jpg FOR SALE - 2. $44 - GNM + 1285h in csgo + 564 mm wins + 96 games + screenshot of account and lobby https://i.imgur.com/5XGC0lR.png CS:GO VIP ACCOUNTs [OE* and PoP* are included + steam support account]: Finally decided to sell my MAIN account since I don't play on it alot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR SALE $287 We can discuss price's ? Karambit | Tiger Tooth ? Covert Knife Exterior: Factory New
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