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Everything posted by JChandro

  1. I don't know who cares to view this, I only care that chods and the developers see this. I used to use chods a long time ago, for over 6 months even... it reached the point where i got so comfortable with chods i'd take it to LAN parties and cheat with it there. When i saw that they had come back after a long time away, i did not hesitate the purchase the cheat for CS2. I'm going to keep it short, aimbot doesn't work quite right, no triggerbot, no functions, it's not a legit cheat because anyone above 1k elo will find out you're cheating in mere seconds of your aimbot or recoil control working.. I'm disappointed and wish i could refund, but i know that isn't happening so well.. not risking accounts by playing this cheat on them, so 12 pounds gone to waste.
  2. man you never change either? basically when i said no cheats used on it i basically meant csgo, but whatever anyway, Modern Warfare Series Using skins in MW VAC games by modifying iwd files is not bannable. If you replace textures by yourself, it's safe. I used a program, that also had level hacks in it, not that i didn't want to use the level hack but i got banned way before even trying it, it was 440 days anyway.
  3. wasn't cheats, was using custom skins on it, like asiimov on the l15, and a kawaii skin for the MSR, basically didn't know that you can get banned for editing the game files, got vac banned on both.
  4. Hello chods, I've decided to sell my main account as I got global elite on my other account and I'm making it my main Add me on steam for offers www.steamcommunity.com/id/DogeChan And the account for sale is Www.steamcommunity.com/id/dogebois The account has Gta 5 ' level 401 legit and rich account Csgo 900 hours lem account with 360 wins Mw3 ( vac banned) Mw2 (vac banned) H1Z1 Left for dead 2 2015 service medal NO CHEATS USED ON THE ACCOUNT It's market unlocked I can either use a trusted middleman or you can go first in both ways I can't risk getting banned from chods as I used to be a vip member Add me talk about the account on my steam (first one) Taking all offers but Pls don't lowball
  5. the account has 2 vac bans on it, mw2 and mw3, it has alot of reps, its level 10 already, and overwatch unlocked. offer me a price.
  6. IDK the price limit, **MUST BE CLEAN** 1.YOU HAVE TO BE VERIFIED OR YOU'LL GO FIRST 2. I'd like an original email aswell would like it cheap, thanks! (if you're verified i'll go first.)
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