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Everything posted by dreamx3

  1. Hmm. Then is there no way for me to find out what actually happened? I know its hard on your side too. But its so damn weird though
  2. To understand what really happened to my account. That is also why I had created this OP, no other VAC report, no ban wave/untrusted/overwatch bans. Yet it seem i still got myself banned. This confuses me so damn much. Unless 1 more point. Putting the cheat into my portable harddrive and leaving it there even after i stopped using Chod's. Would it have some effect? Yet i did not. I can swear that i had never used any other cheat than Chod's. My meaning of "somewhat safe" is that i thought i would only get banned if by overwatch/ban wave as according to the testimonials and such.
  3. So basically you are pushing the blame on me, that i may have used another cheat to purposefully get myself banned. I have already attached my VAC ban date in the screen below. The way you say this now, even if i did show you on that day itself that i was banned, you could always push away the blame once again to say that i might have used another cheat before that and after i stopped using Chod's. So what use is your support here? Apparently there isn't any. Calling me a liar after i paid to try Chod's under the impression of that it would be somewhat safe or even if i do get banned it would be overwatch or a ban wave. But no, i "tried" another cheat. Thanks a lot for the "help" you gave by insulting me. If someone else from Chod's who actually cares about their consumer could help, i would be very grateful. Now i'm not blaming anyone or whatever, but i am trying to find out how did it happen. Therefore the first 2 point in my OP still stands, and my point is that i wouldn't lie just to get back those few dollars i spent here.
  4. Well would you rather have the VAC ban date from steam profile? I can't actually help it when i don't have access to my computer until weekends due to commitments. This is why i am confused. I am certain it isn't an overwatch ban, never used any other hacks other than Chod's, no ban waves, using Chod's 1 month after the last detection(in July 2015) and unless untrusted ban doesn't actually stop me from playing, I have zero idea why I am having a VACation. And would really like it to be solved.
  5. Well sorry for the late reply, but the attached is the screenshot
  6. I went on csgo yesterday after not playing it for a week, to find out that i had been ban hammered by VAC. This is weird for 2 reasons : 1. I hadn't been using Chod's or any other cheats for the past 2 months. 2. (If you say about the June 16th ban wave) I started using Chod's around mid-July. Pretty sure this wouldn't be an overwatch ban as the warning sign is yellow. Any ideas?
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