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Everything posted by thegreatsage

  1. Its it those 6 mths pirate kms activation stuff or retail keys? Sorry i noob
  2. Also i want to make sure that there is no bans of anykind. Tradeblock/market restriction.no cheats used
  3. I can do a trade with gta v account. Pretty damn rich online. Have almost all the most expensive car. Heist are unlocked to heist 3. But i would like a top up of 20 sgd
  4. Jchandro u nvr changed. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7849-RADZ-6869 Custom skins will not get you banned. 1 more thing just for fun you should watch this
  5. I will be releasing configs when i come back from exams.i will redo my configs from scratch so some people can fuck off trying to claim credit and forcing me to take down the config. Not trying to spark any conflict here in light of that problem ^
  6. press insert use the user interface then. after ur done save it then everytime u run will load
  7. Theres no need for that just use free ones on config section and edit it to your liking
  8. A header like buying an account with overwatch system sounds less misleading
  9. In the past its one of the more popular games and generates lots of profit for garena. However over the years the game becomes easier and easier to hack that they only require an update on hscrc and crc to bypass the gameguard, which is literally the only defence on the client. Cheats was so rampant that it would be better to buy cheats then buy skins as many private cheats provide features like spawning weapons. Hence legit players that actually spends on the game starts to leave the game. Thats why it is declining in popularity
  10. I mean blackshot is a pretty popular game. However it is region locked,different region will have different patches and i guess it might be difficult to make a global cheat for all patches.
  11. For more information read steams very own how to dupe guide https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6633-TANM-9707
  12. The first the traded with the "hijacked" account may be tradeblock and the computer/ip may be blacklisted. But usually steam surpport is just too lazy to do this shyt
  13. They dupe the items all the time as long as 1.never dupe before 2.hijacked using another ip+computer 3.pass over 2 or more accounts 4.sold the items asap 5.call steam surpport with email confirmation The thing is in your steam surpport ticket you must say someone hijacked your account. Be warned that sometimes steam surpport may revert listing if is not pass through many accounts.if they happened to revert listing then contact steam surpport saying your item "vanished" even thou you paid for it
  14. Isnt the method of calling steam surpport working?
  15. Yes its super great. Too bad im out of pocket money
  16. you can call other people to help u buy. u can trade for something (steam codes)
  17. Sorry what i meant was the account had 17 different games and has a 5 year coin.
  18. 120h played LEM 17 games have a little bit of skin offer?
  19. Then im not sure already. Probably have to wait for mod to reply
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