Undetected Dead by Daylight Cheats
We are developing our Dead by Daylight cheat since 2019 and are really happy with the community that built around it. Our features are unique and our bypass for it is constantly evolving to make sure this cheat stays undetected for a long time. We probably have the feature richest Dead by Daylight hack on the market.
If you don't believe us, visit our status page, where you can see how long the cheat has been undetected!

What should you look for when buying a Dead by Daylight cheat?
Many providers try offering a Dead by Daylight hack or offer a service for it. Unfortunately most of them use free stuff like public ssl bypasses or copy pasted code from public sources. Some of them might even be undetected for a little bit, but will definitely get hit as soon as BHVR or EAC gets to see it. That's why we don't do that. All our cheats are made from scratch, handcrafted with a lot of work behind it. If you want to be sure that the provider you buy a cheat from is not copy pasting then look for unique features that no other provider offers. As always, asking the community is also a good thing to do. Some providers don't even make their own framework. They use public frameworks like IMGui for this. That doesn't have to be a bad sign, but it usually is because it shows that these providers are lazy. It also results in a very generic look so most of the time you can tell which menu is made with IMGui immediately. The last thing you can do is checking sites like trustpilot, or verifying if a provider is registered as a business. Stay away from providers that don't even have a website and only sell via discord or telegram! What you should also stay away from is providers that use a very unsafe method to make features usable, such as PAK-Editing which is very unsafe. We do not use any PAK-Editing at all.
What kind of features are possible in Dead by Daylight hacks?
As already mentioned we have one of the best and most unique features available. It starts with our skillcheck bot, which was basically invented by us. Unfortunately many other providers copied us after a while. Ofcourse we offer a variety of esp options and aimbot as well! What makes us unique is that we listen to our community and always try to go over the edge of what is possible. Therefore we offer a ton of great features like speedhack or free look camera which could also be used to do some nice cinematic videos! We also offer a skin unlocker. While this is currently only a temporary option, it is not using any ssl bypasses and very safe to use. You can also teleport to the killer, or if you are the killer to the player or any point in the map that you are looking at! Our strongest feature is "mass murder" which allows you to basically down all survivors instantly and at the same time. You can even troll other players or the killer by using our "selfhook" feature which basically makes you invincible. The downside is that you cannot move but you can use it to block the path of the killer for example. For a full feature list please visit our store because there is more to come!
Still unsure?
If you're still feeling unsure about whether to invest in a Dead by Daylight cheat, then let us reassure you. With your subscription from Chod's Cheats, you will get:
- Unlimited 24/7/365 ticket support for no extra charge
- 1 free HWID reset each month (for unlimited resets please purchase our HWID unlocker)
- Access to our Customer forums not accessible to regular mambers
- The satisfaction of being a Chod's Cheats member and knowledge you are in safe hands