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Palworld review


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 I also recently bought this one and tried it out on a co-op purpose closed multiplayer server (not a dedicated one)


Aimbot - dunno. I haven't used this feature. 


Visuals - 7/10 : I think visual features need more polishing.

- for example, distinguishing my own Pals and the others (wild Pals and other players owned Pals), 

- and the cheat needs to visualize treasure chests, mining spots, relics (chipmunk-looking things need to be collected), teleporting stations, and boss entrances. They are usually hard to find, and teleporting stations are not shown on in-game maps until closer approach.

- I think it is good to add an alarm feature when a player gets close to you. it is easy to miss other players when focusing on other things such as mining, crafting etc.


Misc - 7/10 : only inventory-related features are working. speed hack and fly hack are not working. 

- speed hack needs not be rubber-banding; fly hack is somewhat not "flying"; it is "floating" levitating close to the surface but not technically flying. 

- flying is a great option in this game since the game demands players to explore higher locations, such as mountains, that are hard to access by ground methods.

- Teleporting to a certain position would be a better choice for the cheat's future plan.

- also, inventory-related features are mostly fine, but the spawning item list is hard to scroll, and it is hard to find an item that I want since the names are different from in-game ones. But I quickly got used to it, so it was good.


Other features were great, such as infinite ammo, infinite stamina, instant kill, add exp, and instant heal.


but fast crafting didn't work on multiplayer servers, and I hope this one gets fixed soon.

also, Godmode didn't work, so I had to keep pushing the instant heal button.


I have to mention that the Instant Heal needs more customizable features. currently, when you ride on a pal, the feature heals the pal, not you. So, accidentally, you can die while your pal is fully healed.


Infinite durability is not working currently, in my opinion. Maybe it works for non-combat status but gets worn when you get hit. 




additional features that I recommend are:

- No weight mode - this game makes it easy to get over-weighted and cannot move. 

- 100% capturing - capturing pals is somewhat too much luck-based. I think this is a great feature.

- No hunger

- minor fixes are required on scrolling numbers on the cheat. it is hard to select the number, and the numbers need to be expanded (and for the add exp, it is hard to micro-select the number. It exceeds easily over an adequate amount of exps. It is easy to get caught by the server admin). Currently, I guess the cap number for item-spawning is 24. if the no-weight mode is available, it is good to have over 1000 items spawning. 

- therefore, I had to continuously click buttons on the cheat to spawn multiple trials, but it resulted in firing weapons in the game. the sensitivity needs to be mended. (maybe this is my computer's fault. dunno)



Overall cheat - 8/10


there are some issues, but this cheat helps a lot and saves a lot of time for me to grind. I hope this cheat gets better. 🙂


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Hello there!

Thank you for your review. While we cannot promise certain features (As it's a limitation by the game dev/engine) we are always looking to improve our product line!

I will relay your suggestions and concerns to our dev team!

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