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Hunt Showdown Review


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I've experienced V1, and I wasn't going to repurchase it at all, it was meh at best, esp was the focal point and aimbot was iffy at best. V2 is honestly a breath of fresh air, I asked about the trigger bot in V1, was told it was bugged and that there was no eta on an update. 


2 days later they hit hunt with V2, and it's an amazing improvement. It gets better too, they also further updated hunt to have more specific identifications and options for esp, players and aimbot works like a dream. Def an option to rebuy now and highly recommended!


I don't recommend rage cheating with it as people can tell very quickly if you use a smoothness below 5-6, and aren't playing with a high sens, use aimbot as a micro correction tool to your own flickshots and you'll find that its a very sneaky way to use it and keep yourself hidden. Ensure your aimbot fov is less then 2, 1.5 is my recommendation. Also visualize FOV needs a fix but everything else is worth the little bug


I don't know if any updates will be given further to Hunt currently but it's state is definitely worth the price with the options now in V2!


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