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Hunt or be Hunted


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Hey everyone after 1 Month using the Hunt cheese i want to write down my review and what i think about the cheese,


as first i use the cheese again after a long time , and the progress which chods made in this game about the features are amazing i encountered no problems i played now in this month about 100 - 200 hours


Aimbot 0/0


- i play only with legit settings so i never really tried out this feature so i dont want to review the Bot



Esp 10/10


- absolutly amazing , very smooth , no lag , very accurate

- the option to see the bounty is working perfectly everytime

- the Hunte esp is a must have for me i always use the glow option

- also like the feature when you turn on glow esp you will see dead hunters even if you turned of dead bodys that nice

- the esp is very very accurate with glow you can 100% see in which direction the Hunter is looking


every Esp option is working very good





Accuracy  0/0


- never tried due to my own safety reason (no sway , no recoil)



Legit Play


the Hunt community is a small one with a lot of people who have more than 2000 hours they know when something fishy is going on here if you play like me with only Avto and you wallbang many peoples just be sure you dont look obvious you will get many many many reports special in the German Hunt community you will fast get banned on their discord for me i taked 2 weeks and they banned me all after this month i reached with my new acc a 5.50 KD with about 1100 Kills and still not banned so i want to share my "Legit advice" to this community


- dont look from far distance trough the wall on the enemenys , when you hear them stepping you can look on the wall so you can "hear" the steps better and it looks more legit


- try to always get the bounty , use the vision when you see someone is close and bang them trough the walls , if you dont have the bounty just watch out for steps they make close to you and shoot in a linear line trough the wall , when they open something above you like a window just kill them out of the heaven

steps are very important in this game


- your account is the key for your own safety , just make sure you disabled the statistic so no one can follow your steam profile or your kill/death rate

its obvious when you have 50 hours and a 15KD on your account but this is only an advice when you want to play with other people to stay under the radar 


- i made a hour farm bot until i reached 2000 hours on my account for the reason that i look more legit to other players



feel free to ask any Question if you have one here on the web or in the discord server 🙂

Thanks to everyone who is reading my review see you in Hunt

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