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About FajoCollector

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  1. I miss this cheese so much, I check back everyonce and a while to see if there has been any updated news on it! esp with how prevelant cheese seems to be in Tarky as of late. Hopefully this is still something you guys are thinking about updating! o7 Guys
  2. I have said it in threads before, It was by far the best cheese on the market for Tarky. I was a big fan of the CSGo and Tarky cheese. I do hope someday that it does come back but only time will tell.. Chods has always prided them selves on being the "Safest" cheat so im guessing until they can guarantee that again it wont be back. Anyways, i'll keep checking back from time to time checking for it. have fun cheesing guys.
  3. To be honest I would not be surprised if it does or already has. It is what it is, I hope it does come back as it was by far my fav cheese for tarky, But only time will tell.
  4. I know you guys were thinking a few months back if you were going to update it or let it phase out. Curious where that came out at ? and if I need to look at another provider for that particular game. Thanks again guys!
  5. TBH, I would want them to take as long as they need to get it right. People seen what happen when rushed and most of them now are banned in EFT. Give them time, let them work the bugs out and get it right. Otherwise you are wasting your money.
  6. Look forward to the new system, guess I’ll just take a much needed break then from some games for the time being.
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