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About BruceWillis

  • Birthday August 17

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  1. I second this, with chods being the most popular how does it evade battle eye. Not actually asking for specifics but this has to b something on their radar hard
  2. I appreciate the security, I just want some loot esp to make a little cash in game and finish some quests. Tired of grinding and wiping having played since alpha got me tired of the repetition. Don’t want to get banned so I wanna use cheats sparingly lol but frankly idk if that’s how it works theses days. Kinda like a 1 and done thing or who knows.
  3. I think it’s safe to assume not. As it will be an entire new system but won’t be long at all before we get some awesome configs we can share with the community
  4. all this about bad attitude for your customer or whatever.. dude you can’t expect them to fix things overnight. He could release the cheat and you would be banned tomorrow so what’s the point in that? If you want instant gratification go somewhere else. He is doing the right thing by taking his time and doing it right. Plus if you look at the cheat status page you will notice he isn’t just working on escape from tarkov they have a lot going on right now and I’m pretty damn sure that wasn’t expected. It is what it is and with the new EFT update coming in the near future you might as well expect to wait a week or two or even three after that patch before we get cheats back. Chill out people.... and for those showing patience you guys are awesome!
  5. I have faith that’s why I donated and subbed for another year off the bat. Cuz fuck it.. even though the cheats are down I want safety over everything
  6. Agreed, plus I like how they focus on safety for the consumer
  7. Good cuz I have an EOD account I’m gambling with ? lucky I have 2 accounts. Hopefully I can make it past .12 ?
  8. I don’t think voip is their surprise as they have already mentioned it before.
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