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About jerrybox

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  1. Thanks for the tip I usually use max speed the only times I have the problem is when i forget to fiddle with the speed so I think youre right.
  2. Well I've played the EFT cheat for a few weeks now and I guess its time to review it. That being said Ive never used hacks before and this is the first Ive used so bear that in mind. To get started I'd like to address that the wallhack is amazing for this game. It tells the equipment the person has and their hp left. 10/10 on the wallhack I cant think of a way to improve it. The aimbot however could use some improvement. I have had random games where when the aimbot targets people it will aim straight into the sky. This has effectively gotten me killed numerous times. This however doesnt happen regularly and most of the times the aimbot doesnt suffer from this. However if someone is behind a chain link fence or window you can kiss aimbot goodbye as it will not aim at people behind fences and windows. I give the aimbot a 8/10. There have been multiple features from the cheese that has been revoked recently be it for security purposes or to keep people from raging through the game. I am happy that these rage features have been removed as it makes the cheese less obvious. However I do miss the speed hack but understand that its safer just to not have it at all. The teleport functions are down right now as well so I dont really have an opinion on them. Overall I think this cheese is a solid 9/10. Its easy to learn and fun to use. Thanks chod for your hardwork and dedication.
  3. I had heard just checking to see how they did it. Thanks for the info.
  4. How does it work when the cheese is down? How does my time for when its down get reimbursed?
  5. Nice to meet all of you, I'm Jerrybox. I came here due to recommendation from one of my friends. I mainly play EFT when cheesing. I hope to get to know the community better.
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