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About retroonestar

  • Birthday February 17

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  1. Chod and his team are great with compensating for downtime.
  2. Thanks for the kind words! Keep it up! cheers -SpaceMan
  3. “The Cheese project” was a gift better than all gifts... forged by Chod himself from the water of internal life... the ultimate system to beat all systems...the client that provides all young and old with endless fun. Not much is written within the Chodble “bible” about the project bc our mortal eyes would turn into the cosmos themselves if gazed upon. The goal was to give his creation “humans” fun and enjoyment. Regardless of anybodies skill level everybody deserves to have the right to have fun. And the outcome is something amazing... a community of people who count on not only Chod and his team but each other for the health and growth of this great community and the Cheese project
  4. Long ago when time was still young, only what mere humans would call gods roamed the earth in search for the answer to lifes biggest questions...then war broke out amongst the strongest of the gods. and after many hundred years of war, only one god rose from the ashes of the battlefield...Chod. as a gift from Chod he created humans. the first of his creation we now know them as his team..admins, moderators, ect. he was the most proud of his first humans that he chose them to be apart of his created project....The Cheese.
  5. Hello everyone!! Everyone miss the CSGO cheese?

  6. @Jamieson73 I understand.
  7. Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a great experience here at Chods Cheats! Whenever you decide to read this you might see me around, I’m the guy that says “cheers -SpaceMan” don’t know why or how that started but it’s like my signature lol. But anyways, for our newcomers and members of past and present. This is a review for our community here based on my experience. Community Unity 10/10 since I have been here I have tried to help any and everybody to the best of my ablilites. And in return I have had great help from Chod and his team for any questions I have had. The moderators do an amazing job in working on issues with speed and professionalism. They are knowledgeable on what they do. Then comes the community of people with different skills and traits. Whenever there is an issue I see the community coming together to help provide some feedback or tips on the individuals issue. Very little to all the communities I have seen don’t do that. Product 10/10 the product that Chod provides is AMAZING! I understand that as of right now EFT and CSGO are down but they will come back better than ever! Before the updates the cheese was smooth and fun to mess around with and with the amount of options, there is plenty of room for hours of fun. Website 10/10 Chods Cheats is very easy to navigate and understand. And the community helps in pointed people in the right direction if extra help is needed. Logo 100/100 In a few words... AN AWESOME LOGO! enough said Overall 10/10 my experience like I am sure with most or even all people that is part of this great community have nothing but great experiences here. And everyday we grow bigger and better. The Great Empire of Chod! CHEERS -SpaceMan
  8. I hope your issue is resolved. But one cheese one account.
  9. Everyone I understand the wait but let’s make the best of the time we have now. For new people to the community who yet to try out the cheese and for people who want to better there Configs. I would like to see some tips for both new people and older members of this great community to post some tips on how they did there configs for CSGO and EFT. Let’s better the community by better each other!
  10. retroonestar


    Welcome Enjoy your stay Cheers -SPaceMAn
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