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About OhISee

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Csgo, EFT, PUBG, Squad, Insurgency and Rainbow Six.
  2. If Internal cheats are so much more powerful, then why would any coder bother to make external cheats?
  3. After browsing through multiple "game cheating" websites I keep coming across the terms "Internal" and "External" cheats. Whats the difference between an Internal and External cheat?
  4. ESP 9/10 - Really useful and easy to use. You can even set the range for player and items. The best part is that the tells you if the enemy is a player or bot (scav). AimBot 10/10 - Works incredibly well. Always consistent and has never been buggy for me. Misc. Features 9/10 - Doesn't look legit but will always assure you easy and fast loot. Overall this is one of the best EFT cheats out there. Not to mention the very cheap pricing for this cheat. A quick tutorial for anyone considering buying the cheat: Step 1- Buy cheat. Step 2- Profit.
  5. OhISee


    This is probably a hard question to answer but why do games that run BattlEye have such expensive cheats?
  6. Hell yeah. Also never forget a boat is a reverse bathtub.
  7. Is it possible to make donations through pay-pal?
  8. As the title says, is there any way to get Reshade working on PUBG after it was blocked?
  9. OhISee


    Just here to say hi. Don't know what else to say but there you go.
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