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Posts posted by BosnianBIll

  1. 19 minutes ago, makemeawesome said:

    What will they know? How does the interface look like? Dude, do you know how coding looks? You wont have access to the source data anyway and since the injector communicates with server the data can be easily hashed, resulting in you / BSG seeing just shitload of hashed data that cannot be decrypted and if it would, you would not understand it anyway. The looks of the cheat will be almost the same, its the data behind that will be completly different...
    Until then the cheat is in production and any data they would show I bet are not encrypted so that definitely would compromise security.

    Plus, there is dev-blog you can check.

    Do you want chod and his dudes to focus on developing or preparing some disclosure materials for you to see and not understand?

    There is only about 100 nicks I saw on the forum talking about eft so they know we are excited. Myself included and I would kill to have the cheat early or to see some details, but it has been said about 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 times that they do not give information and ETA.

    we live in a society

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Ezibi said:

    40 pound would be more realistic 

    Unfortunately no it would not be. Most cost 20-30$ a day tbh 100GBP a month would be a steal but still out of my range. We will be lucky if chod lets it go below even 100

  3. Hey Chod. I just, idk wanted to make a statement. I love your cheats man. Always been top of the line. Always safety first etc. you've been a good man. Like Helios from another place. I gotta say when I first came here... I experienced a whole lotta issues but they got fixed fast and you've always been on that like a pro. Fixed em left and right like nuts. Most places just put out something and expect it should be just that. Complaints? hahah nah m8 its perfect as it it is. but.. you.. you always shot for perfection. I can respect it Dig it. I appreciate it whole lot man. Keep up the good fight and I hope you and the staff give battleye a good fuck you. Sick of these invasive anti cheats trying to think their top shit when their just a bunch of CIA wannabes with their spyware. 
    Keep it up chod. Do "gods" work.

  4. 5 hours ago, leeb89 said:

    Hi Chod,


    Thanks for your post. I was wondering if you'd also be adding cheats for other BattlEye games like Rainbow Six Siege?

    you people are pretty rude tbh
    You wanna know if hes gonna add something for something hes not 100% sure but very confident in will work, and then you just got the audacity to be like, WELL CAN WE GET OTHER BE Cheats.
    LIke wait geezus christ. See How EFT pans out, DayZ Etc THEN maybe he might consider it who knows? 

  5. What in the hell kinda name is buddmoney? Show yourself to the Aimbot Obsticle course, climb up the ladder and repel down the rope when you're ready. GO GO GO GO!

    all jokes aside welcome.

  6. Well lads I'm here for another review of Chods Cheats Escape from tarkov.

    ESP 5/5
    The ESP has been hands down the best I've used and I've no issues with it since I bought it, The gun text being a different color is really nice, easy to read. Customization.... Just overrall easy to use. The loot filter helps A LOT, it could use a remove only one filter at a time feature tho, So if you wish to clear one item you have to remove all your items.. making you filter again. The Wallhack Chams is a bit bright, not really useful for me personally. But overall solid ESP

    Good Loot Filter
    Good Easy to read ESP

    Aimbot 2/5
    Sadly the weakest point of this cheat. I understand its suppose to aim in certain ways and stuff.. but it usually misses and never hits targets far off.. not often.. If I'm doing something wrong  I'd like to know, I've used it with no spread/no recoil/no sway etc. It usually only works well on close targets. On the other hand the Silent aim is a nice addition, it helps keep you from snapping to your opponent which could be suspicious. Another massive problem thats been known for awhile is the aimbot snapping off to the far left or right of some targets. This has gotten me killed in the past multiple times, I believe this does not happen with Silent aim tho. Cannot confirm

    Aimbot is ok for non moving/close targets but has trouble hitting targets moving further away or even just stationary.

    Silent Aim Is great for lowering suspicion.
    Aimbot Snaps randomly to the side of the target you're aiming at.

    Misc Features 4/5
    Not much to say but no recoil/spread work flawlessly. All the misc features do as they say *loot to me only works offline*, I dont use the non safe options like Unlimited sprint etc, I keep my self in safe mode, But they do work from what I've heard. 

    Basically everything works well, No recoil, No away, Unlimited sprint, Teleport to aim etc etc

    Security and down time
    The Cheat security for a long time was really good, But when BSG upped their anti cheat I saw 2 bans overall from chods. Not to say this is bad. Other providers had much more bans from what I've seen, Which gave us the lead here. So I've kept my cheating to a minimum, Even dying alot  on purpose to keep my SR down. Ofc with crappier gear ;).

    Now the Downtime is possibly the biggest downside here. I understand Chod is a human like us all, but when tarkov updates on fridays which it often does, We must wait till monday most times for an update. I understand downtime is compensated which is a given, but It is still a inconvenience. I hope to see that improve in the future the up-time, As other providers get theirs back up in a day or so after a small update while we have to wait for the weekend  to end. 


    Chods has had very few detection's  compared to other providers.
    The cheat is usually down over weekends if a update comes  out late friday.}

    Thats basically the end of my review, I hope it did not seem to harsh but its  my honest opinion, Ive been here about a year not a full year and been using it off and  on. I love the UI of your cheat and Hope to see you make improvements and even better cheats for the foreseeable future. You have my faith and money ;) 
    Thank you!



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