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My review of the cheese


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Ever since I decided to go down this path, I have had no regrets. This program has been working flawlessly for me. I love EFT, but the amount of Cheesers I was running into was becoming tiresome, plus poor optimization, dysnc didn't help. Once I invested in this purchase everything changed. I first noticed that for the most part we leave each other alone once we notice we are eating the cheese. The features are amazing, when I run squads I am able to edit my settings so that my teammates don't suspect my shenanigans (Ohh No, a closet cheeser) but still have some of the benefits. Instead of having days scratching my head why I have such a love/hate relationship with this game I have been able to enjoy my tarkov experience more, and this has given me the slight edge I was looking for. Boss man and co. has done something truly amazing here. Also my hands don't work so well (nerve damage), and I don't have the best reaction times so this has really helped even the playing field for me. So all in all I give it a 10/10 and will be continuing my sub.

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I also bought a cheat, because I'm tired of fail in the game. Chod is my last chance to play a game that I like, but I want to play it and have fun, not negative emotions.
I also have a bad reaction, because me not 16 years and there is no desire is еo listen carefully to understand who where is.
I have not tried chod yet, but I hope it will be launched as soon as possible ...

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